All about Sugar -                                                                        Its effects on the brain and the role of government control
Samantha Wendt, CMH, CFAM Samantha Wendt, CMH, CFAM

All about Sugar - Its effects on the brain and the role of government control

Sugar's impact on the brain is profound, affecting mood, memory, and overall cognitive function. Consuming high amounts of sugar can create addictive cravings, lead to mood swings, and increase the risk of cognitive decline. Government policies and industry practices, such as subsidies and lobbying, play a significant role in promoting sugar consumption, contributing to public health issues. Educate yourself on the differences between natural and refined sugars, and make informed dietary choices to protect your brain and overall health.

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From Sugar Queen to Faith Warrior: Breaking Free from Sweet Temptations
Samantha Wendt, CMH, CFAM Samantha Wendt, CMH, CFAM

From Sugar Queen to Faith Warrior: Breaking Free from Sweet Temptations

Each day, I would succumb to the whispers of temptation, indulging in the false promises of comfort and satisfaction that sugar offered. The devil himself seemed to whisper in my ear, reassuring me that it was safe to indulge, that there would be no consequences to my actions.

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